How To Create a Digital Video Marketing Strategy In 8 Steps
Step 1: Establish a Purpose
There can be a multitude of purposes tied into your strategy. Try to keep your priorities in line with what you’re trying to accomplish. More sales does not always mean more profit and better results. You can also tie in time saving processes to your marketing campaign to enhance the value of the experience for yourself and your customers. Here’s a list of some of the things you can line up. If you use all of these in a single campaign, you can create a priorities list and number them so you can keep this in mind during your decision making process.
- - More Sales
- - More Money
- - Cut costs
- - Save time
- - New products or service
- - More engagement
- - More Reviews
- - More exposure
- - Experience
- - Support tool
- - Tax Deductions
- - More visitors
Make sure to establish your current values so you can set realistic goals and have a comparable measure for the results at the end of your campaign. Your starting point(s) is/are your baseline(s). Your final intended value(s) is/are your goal(s)
Step 2: Pick a Product or service or special offer
This is a good step in the process to analyze what is something you want the market to know about your business. Some things to consider is how to differentiate your business from competitors with this product, service, or special offer. Is there a season to consider for your offer? Is it the right time to offer this particular product or service? Are you wanting to just get clients in the door to offer more services later? These questions and more things you should consider as you develop your campaign.
Step 3: Select your Audience
Who will buy your product or request your services? Adults, children, men, women, pet owners, married couples, single persons? Is there an age range? This is important to understand so that the message that is communicated with the marketing strategy is presented in a way which is most attractive to your audience. A properly organized and communicated message through the proper channels is more effective than a random message sent out to a random audience. Also, if you have the opportunity to gather feedback on the product/service offered from your potential customers or friends and family, it could help you fine tune your offer and content design.
Step 4: Design Content
Now would be a reasonable time to set up a budget for your campaign. This will give you some options and limits with regards to how the message will be sent. You also want your content to be unique enough so the audience can quickly identify your message if they see it in other mediums.
Do you need a brand or rebrand for this campaign? What are the sounds, images, and information that your audience can find valuable so they will purchase your product or service? If your market is people who like fishing, your content should relate to that audience so images of fishing gear, fish, and water would typically be appealing.
Step 5: Select your Tools
A lot of marketing tools are free to use. Some examples are social media options to market your product such as instagram which relies on followers per account. You can concentrate your marketing to just one or various of these platforms depending on your audience. Other platforms such as facebook which has “friends”, YouTube with subscribers, TikTok also with “followers” and more professional platforms such as LinkedIn.
Step 6: Implement
- Learn to use the connectivity between the platforms to save time. Also, make sure to establish your sales funnels properly to guide visitors to the right areas. You also want to make sure to communicate consistently in your campaign.
- When placing your messages try not to sell to visitors but instead offer solutions to problems you know they already have. You should know they have this problem because you selected the audience based on a product or service you know they want or need.
- When prospects contact you, or purchase a product or service, try to respond to all requests promptly and professionally.
- Most clients appreciate when businessowners establish efficient processes and excel expectations so keep that in mind throughout your campaign.
Step 7: Results
Give your strategy time to develop as you measure your results. Were the baselines properly established? Were the goals achieved, surpassed, or not achieved? Your new values are now your future baselines in your campaign development. Take all the wins from the strategy. Small wins lead to big victories.
Step 8: Adjust and Repeat
Marketing campaigns should be continuous enough to keep you in your customers minds and flexible enough to adapt to changes in your environment. As you learn from each cycle in your campaign you should keep in mind that: consistency adds value, audiences typically prefer organized versus disorganized, there is value in creating organic traffic over paid traffic, test, improve, develop, repeat.
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